Savienojam Baltiju ar
E-komercijas zvaigzni 2024

Šogad e-komercijas gada balva izgaismo vēl plašākā mērogā, pirmo reizi noskaidrojot spožākos e-komercijas uzņēmumus visā Baltijā.

Kas ir Baltijas E-komercijas zvaigzne?

Šī ir pirmā e-komercijas gada balva Baltijā. Līdz šim trīs gadus pasniegta Latvijā, pirmo reizi tā apbalvos arī Baltijas uzņēmumus – lielus un mazus, lokālus un eksportējošus interneta veikalus. Katrs šis e-veikals veido un transformē Baltiju savā veidā, kopā izgaismojot to globālā mērogā.



Uzņēmumi var pieteikties balvai 4 kategorijās neatkarīgi no tā darbības jomas un mēroga. Gaidīti lieli un mazi uzņēmumi, mājražotāji un eksporta giganti no visas Baltijas.

Jauns uzņēmums

Jauns uzņēmums


Dalība bez maksas. Gada apgrozījums: ne augstāks par 50 000 EUR

Mazs uzņēmums

Mazs uzņēmums


Dalība: 50 EUR. Gada apgrozījums: 50 000 – 500 000 EUR

Vidējs uzņēmums

Vidējs uzņēmums


Dalība: 100 EUR. Gada apgrozījums: 500 000 – 5 miljoni EUR

Liels uzņēmums

Liels uzņēmums


Dalība: 150 EUR. Gada apgrozījums: Virs 5 miljoni EUR


Stratēģiskie partneri

Sadarbības partneri

Informatīvie partneri


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Samantha Tillett

Global Partner Director at Aleph Holding for Amazon Ads

Sam Tillett is a distinguished leader in the eCommerce digital advertising realm, renowned for her expertise in Amazon Ads strategy and partnership development. Currently serving as the Global Director at Aleph Group, Inc., Sam is at the forefront of building a robust global Amazon Ads partnership across 115+ markets, with a mission to introduce Amazon’s advanced technology and tools and insight to emerging locales.

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Dalia Čiutaitė-Antanaitė

Seller performance director at PIGU.LV / PHH Group

With 13 years in logistics and forwarding, Dalia has always been focused on international business. “I’ve worked in sales, operations, and launched offices abroad. My experience in forwarding led me to retail, where logistics is crucial, especially in online business. For the past 3 years, I’ve been in Marketplace, building online channels in the Baltics and Finland.”

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Meelis Nurk

Head of Digital Strategy Cards and Payment Services at SEB

30 years in Banking, Product and Business development, leading Baltic product and development teams for number of years. Today, Meelis is responsible for long term strategy and partnerships in Cards and Payments area.

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Arnis Jēkabsons

Managing Director at Element Digital

Digital expert with more than 10 years of experience in various areas of digital marketing and digital product development. Currently, he leads the digital agency “Element”, which focuses on the development of various web projects, creating animations, social media communication and performance marketing.

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Angelo Maiuri

Head of Element Digital Estonia

As Managing Director of Element and Head of Digital at the Omnicom Media Group, Angelo is a Marketing executive, with a strong background in growth hacking, agile management and data-driven marketing.

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Tuure Türkson

Key Account Manager of KAUP24.EE / PHH Group

Tuure Türkson has been working for 2 years now as a Key Account Manager with PHH Group to help our sellers reach their highest potential and to help our platform grow. Tuure’s expertise lies in sales analysis and promotion, product selection, and identifying marketing opportunities, all while keeping the company’s best interests in mind.

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Viesturs Kančs

eCommerce & Innovation Lead at Balcia

Meet Viesturs, Balcia Insurance e-com and innovation lead with over 15 years of experience in digital marketing and IT. With extensive experience building digital products for clients worldwide in various agencies, he is now driving insuretech e-commerce and mobile apps to new heights in the Baltics and Poland.

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Jurijs Ivanovs

Co-founder of Joom

Co-founder, board member and marketing manager of the global e-store “Joom”. Started the first Internet projects already in the late 90s, accumulated more than 15 years of experience in the field of publishing, and also worked in various positions in the popular social network Odnoklassniki since 2008

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Kārlis Ozols

Head of Marketplace Sales at 220.LV / PHH Group (

Kārlis joined in the autumn of 2019 when the company began developing the marketplace trading concept. Prior to joining, he gained extensive experience in various services and product sales, as well as being an author of 3 books.

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Sniedzīte Vilmane

Head of Ecommerce at Mēness Aptieka

Sniedzite Vilmane is an experienced specialist in digital and e-commerce product development, and also provides advice to companies on digital business growth opportunities. She has worked as the head of the digital department of MTG Latvia and created the foundations for the e-commerce platform of Mēness Aptiekas.

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Dace Strapcāne

Latvijas Pasts Head of service department in Baltics

Dace Strapcāne brings a wealth of experience from the banking sector to her current role, where she specializes in logistics and product sales in digital platforms. With a strong background in strategy and sales, she has seamlessly leveraged her financial sector expertise to drive product sales within the logistics industry.

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Ivars Lubāns


With over 10 years of experience in various industries, Ivars is now an OTT expert and leader, heading marketing and e-commerce teams at Go3, the largest OTT service in the Baltic region. Ivars has a track record of creating, launching, and growing successful digital products and services, with a focus on customer satisfaction, user experience, and market insights.

Samantha Tillett
Dalia Čiutaitė-Antanaitė
Meelis Nurk
Arnis Jēkabsons
Angelo Maiuri
Tuure Türkson
Viesturs Kančs
Jurijs Ivanovs
Kārlis Ozols
Sniedzīte Vilmane
Dace Strapcāne
Ivars Lubāns


Paziņoti Baltijas labākie e-komercijas uzņēmumi, “Grand Prix” iegūst Latvijas uzņēmums 
Piektdien, 24. maijā konkursa “Baltijas E-komercijas balva” ietvaros paziņoti labākie un inovatīvākie e-komercijas uzņēmumi. Žūrijas “Grand prix” lielo balvu un tādējādi Baltijas…
30 labākie e-komercijas uzņēmumi Baltijā – paziņoti “E-komercijas zvaigzne 2024” finālisti
Izsludināts pirmais Baltijas e-komercijas konkurss – tiks apbalvoti labākie interneta veikali 4 kategorijās
Gada balvu izcīna jaunuzņēmums “Selfnamed” 
Kā labāk dzīvot? | E-komercijas zvaigzne viesojas Latvijas Radio
Noskaties e-komercijas pieredzes stāstus kopā ar The Red Jackets un Httpool.
Tev jābūt atrodamam internetā: kā e-komercija veicina eksportu
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